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Parliamentary act on Faroese council of ethics


According to the resolution from the Faroese Parliament the Prime Minister affirms and announces this parliamentary act:

Purpose and independence
1 (1) The intention of the council of ethics is to encourage and strengthen the debate and general knowledge as to ethical issues related to health professional activity within the health sector, the social sector and the local sector. Further the council of ethics is to strengthen the awareness of public authorities and citizens to take stand points in ethical issues. The council of ethics shall participate in aquiring knowledge and abilities in questions related to ethical questions in the Faroe Islands.
(2) In its conduct the council of ethics must respect and emphasis integrity for humans, respect for future generations and respect for nature and the environment.
2. (1) The council of ethics is independent in its activity.

Scope of the act and dutys
3. (1) The council of ethics observes the course of society and is free to undertake initiatives to public discussions and to guide ethical principles in research and application of bio technology and gene technology that influences human beings.
(2) In addition, the council of ethics can participate in debates related to other ethical aspects relating to health activities in the health sector, the public sector and the local sector and ethical issues about biological and medical research regarding human beings.
4. (1) The council advices the Parliament, Ministers of the Faroese Government and public authorities in ethical issues.
(2) In addition, the purpose of the council is to enlighten the public and to debate ethical issues in the public.
5. (1) At least once a year the council produces a report with basis in this acts no 3.

Organization of the council
6. (1) The council has 9 members appointed for a period of 4 years. The members are appointed until new members are appointed.
(2) The Minister of Health and the Interior appoints the council according to these principles:

(a) The Minister of Health and the Interior appoints the chairman and one member.
(b) The Minister of Health and the Interior appoints one member on recommendation from the Minister of Social Affairs, one member on recommendation from the Local Government Society, one member on recommendation from the Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs and three members on recommendation from the Faroese political parties represented at the Faroese Parliament.

(3) Members appointed to the council according to (2), (a) and (b) must obtain knowledge to ethical, cultural, social and professional matters of importance to the council dutys.
(4) The members of the council can not be represented in the Parliament or the Government.
(5) The Minister of Health and the Interior must see to that the members of the council have a variety of educations and experiences as well as sex equality between the members.
(6) When the council is being reappointed the aim is that at least three members from the previous election period are reappointed for four more years. Members can be reappointed once.
(7) The council determines its rules of procedure.
7 (1) The council members receive attendance fees and travelling funds according to public authorities regulations.
(2) A specific agreement can be made regarding payment to the Chairman of the council upon approval from The Minister of Finance.

Entry into force
8. (1) This parliamentary act entrys into force on September 1, 2017.

At Tinganes May 29, 2017

Aksel V. Johannesen
Prime Minister